Evidence-Based Therapy for Children


Online Therapy

We know it’s sometimes difficult to attend an appointment in person. Our online therapy sessions allow for appointments to be held with anybody within Australia via either video or phone.


Children suffering from ADHD may have difficulties in maintaining attention. They may also demonstrate impulsive and hyperactive behaviours. Treatment can be effective in managing symptoms.

Anger Difficulities

Anger is an emotion that many children struggle with. Often, uncontrolled anger can represent an underlying concern. We can help children work through their anger with proven strategies.


Children dealing with anxiety often feel as if there’s a black cloud hanging over them. We work with children and carers on proven treatments and strategies for overcoming all forms of anxiety.


Autism can be tough on children. It can lead to social impairments, as well as restrictive interests and behaviours. With the right treatment, children can learn to better manage their behaviours.


Bullying can have profound impacts on children over the short, medium and long term. We can help children deal with bullying by empowering them with proven toolkits and strategies.


Depression in children, if untreated, can have far-reaching and severe consequences on quality of life. We equip children and careers with the right tools to better manage their symptoms.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders in children and adolescents are serious mental heath illnesses. We work with a variety of eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating.

Intellectual Disabilities

Children with intellectual disabilities have difficulties in intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour. Intellectual disabilities range from mild to severe.

Learning Difficulties

Learning difficulties include difficulties with reading, writing, and/or maths and can impact children significantly at school. These difficulties can also impact a child’s self-esteem and motivation.

Oppositional Defiance Disorder

ODD treatment involves helping children manage their problematic behaviours and supporting families with building positive family interactions.


We’re here to support children and adolescents with learning to appreciate themselves and treating themselves more kindly so that they can improve their confidence and relationships.

Sleep Difficulties

Good quality sleep is critical for children’s growth, development, learning, and overall well-being. Children can experience sleep difficulties as part of an underlying concern (e.g. anxiety).

Social Difficulities

Children can learn how to improve their social skills and communicate more effectively to build more positive interactions and relationships with others.


Coping with transitions, whether small or big, can be difficult for some children and adolescents to cope with. Therapy can provide children and adolescents with skills to get through transitions.
