
Anger Difficulties


Many children have occasional temper tantrums and meltdowns. They may be defiant when it comes to doing tasks or chores that they dislike or lash out when they are frustrated or angry. However, when a child is unable to express and control their anger, and repeatedly engages in destructive behaviors, it might be more than typical behavior. 

Symptoms of Anger Difficulties

Here are some signs that your child may require help: 

Difficulty with developing and maintaining relationships with others

  • When a child’s angry behaviour prevents them from developing and maintaining healthy relationships with others, it may be time evaluate the strategies that the child is using to manage their emotions. 


  • When a child fails to learn the skills needed to solve problems in an empowered manner, resolve conflict and ask for help, the child may turn to aggression. In this case, the child may need to be taught healthy communication, problem-solving, and conflict-resolution skills to replace their aggressive behaviour. 

Low frustration tolerance 

  • As kids grow up and mature, they tend to tolerate more frustration in their lives. If a child cannot handle frustration (e.g. throwing a tantrum every time they make a mistake on their homework), they need help building these skills. 

Immature behaviour 

  • As a child matures, temper tantrums and meltdowns typically tend to decrease. However, if your child’s temper tantrums seem to be ongoing and worsen in frequency and intensity, it might be time to seek help.

Disruption in the family 

  • If your child’s angry behaviours disrupt your daily life and you constantly have to give in, it may be time to seek help.

Therapy can help your child see their anger differently, and maintain or regain control of their temper. Therapy will also help teach the child to contemplate their anger and anger-inducing situations, as well as work through behavioral solutions such as self-control, relaxation and problem-solving.
