
Anger Management


We all know what anger is, and we have all felt it at some point in our lives. Anger is a completely normal human emotion. If expressed and managed in a healthy manner, anger is an emotion that we all  feel from time to time. However, if our anger is uncontrollable and even destructive and harmful to ourselves and others, it can potentially disrupt and cause problems in our lives – whether it is in work, personal relationships, or our overall happiness.


Anger often varies from slight annoyance to intense range. Anger can also stem from both external and internal events. External events can be a mistake made by your partner or a traffic jam whereas internal events can be our own rumination over personal problems or memories.


Psychology interventions can teach you how to control your anger and express it in a healthy manner. In therapy, you will learn to reduce your physiological arousal and emotional reaction to anger, modify cognitive patterns that result in anger and learn to respond to challenging situations in a more empowered manner.
